The Bottom podcast - three foxy stoats discuss and appreciate the world's greatest sitcom, courtesy of Rik Mayall and Adrian Edmondson, over an Esther Rantzen cocktail and pickled onion sandwich. From Paul Tanter, Mat Brooks and Angela Pearson. Find us on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram all @talkingbottom or drop us an email at 11mafekingparade@gmail.com

Friday Nov 16, 2018
Series 1 round up
Friday Nov 16, 2018
Friday Nov 16, 2018
With series 2 starting next week, Talking Bottom takes a quick look back at series 1; the reaction to the show, what we learned and confirmation of Steptoe and Son as an influence. Plus Angela reveals the answer to the question of if a Young Ones reunion in Bottom was ever intended - having asked Ade Edmondson directly!

Friday Aug 10, 2018
S1E6 - Accident
Friday Aug 10, 2018
Friday Aug 10, 2018
Talking Bottom reaches the end of the first series with Richie’s birthday episode. Comrade Richie is another year older and excited about his impending party. Eddie’s gift of a red hot tip pays off and ensures enough booze for the thousands of birds anticipated to attend. Unfortunately, a freak accident leaves Richie’s leg in plaster and wheelchair bound. Luckily Eddie’s pals Spudgun and Dave Hedgehog are on hand to join in with a game of sardines and get through the Emmerdale Farm compilation. Wait until Norris McWhirter hears about it!
Mat, Angela and Paul talk birthdays, enemas, prostitute horses, penis spudguns, the Singing Detective and muse on the possibility of an intended Young Ones reunion in Bottom that never happened. Plus, the most controversial Talking Bottom quiz to date!

Friday Aug 03, 2018
S1E5 - s'up
Friday Aug 03, 2018
Friday Aug 03, 2018
Eddie’s Sunday afternoon watching Big Jugs is scuppered when Mr Harrison the landlord appears, needing cover for the shop downstairs as his stupid mother has selfishly died. Richie jumps at the chance for some power and a white coat while Eddie can’t wait to get stuck into the snacks. But a series of difficult customers persuades the lads to skive off to the roof to watch the cricket; a flawless plan just so long as Richie’s rain dance doesn’t work and the thieving locals don’t notice the shop is now unattended.
Angela, Paul and Mat look at Richie’s patriotism, watching porn with your mates and what Ethel Cardew would be like if we met her. Plus an attempt to work out who actually owns 11 Mafeking Parade and fingers on sphincters for the Talking Bottom quiz!

Friday Jul 27, 2018
S1E4 – Apocalypse
Friday Jul 27, 2018
Friday Jul 27, 2018
“Thieving bastard ***os!” Yes it’s the one with THAT dub! Richie’s plan to con his auntie out of some much needed cash takes a turn when the old bag dies, leaving him £600. A celebratory trip with Eddie to the funfair results in them blinding a Carni and a curse being bestowed upon Sir Richard Richard VC; he’ll be dead in three days. Can Richie survive that long without visiting the lav? Who ate the Taiwanese ranch style jumbo fishburgers? And what time is Neighbours on?
Paul, Mat and Angela go over the “yobbo” edit, at what age can someone still be an orphan and dropping a piano in a TV studio. Plus a surprise discovery of some additional dialogue that never made it to broadcast and the Talking Bottom quiz is back on topic after last week’s controversy!

Friday Jul 20, 2018
S1E3 - Contest
Friday Jul 20, 2018
Friday Jul 20, 2018
Richie’s got a great plan to guilt trip his best friend into buying him a drink; a suicide attempt. But Eddie’s spent all his savings on some vintage porn and a bet on Miss World. If only they can last the evening without beating each other up or destroying the TV.
Mat, Angela and Paul discuss the episode shot as the pilot before the rest of the series and muse on Eddie and Richie’s relationship and how they may have originally met. Plus: a reading of some deleted dialogue from the original script and the Talking Bottom quiz featuring the hardest questions so far!

Friday Jul 13, 2018
S1E2 – Gas
Friday Jul 13, 2018
Friday Jul 13, 2018
Talking Bottom delves into what could be the show’s most famous episode, where Richie and Eddie hatch a fiendish scheme to keep warm in snowy Hammersmith; but the Gas Man may be about to rumble them – resulting in a trip next door to see their friendly neighbour Mr Rottweiler. What could possibly go wrong?
Angela, Paul and Mat discuss stealing gas, cartoon violence, sound effects, Richie’s mania, Mafeking Parade’s odd door number system and wonder what position Rottweiler and his girlfriend where actually in. Also; fart buzzers at the ready for the Talking Bottom quiz!
The "Americans watching Bottom" vid we refer to can be seen here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yd_JNdv8esY&t=13s

Friday Jun 29, 2018
S1E1 - Smells
Friday Jun 29, 2018
Friday Jun 29, 2018
Two blokes and a bird celebrate the episode that introduced the world to Richie and Eddie - two sad losers on the fringe of society who are desperate for booze, women and cash.
Paul, Mat and Angela compare the show to Rik and Ade's previous work, discuss what makes the show so special and talk a load of bollocks. Plus: the Talking Bottom quiz!